Maximum Momentum: How to Build it and How to Keep It

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Ever wonder how successful people fuel their momentum? Why one political candidate soars while another fails to gain traction? Why one product becomes an instant rage, while its competitor struggles to stay above water? What is the secret to momentum?

  • Mike Berland’s new book Maximum Momentum: How to Build it and How to Keep It will be coming out in March 2020. The book is co-written by Decode_M’s President, leading research and strategy, Lauren Wolfson Morgan. In Maximum Momentum: How to get it, how to keep it, the key to true momentum is revealed, beginning with the simple physics formula— mass x velocity. The book builds the framework for a Momentum Matrix—introducing five drivers that decode the science into effective, applicable, measures. 

  • This book is designed to give you the inside scoop on how successful people, companies, and movements fuel their momentum, and inspire you to think about momentum in your own life—personally, in relationships, for your company or brand, or for the causes you believe in.  

  • It is a lively examination of the people, issues, movements and products that most captivate Americans, throughout the worlds of politics, business, sports, pop culture and more.  

As part of this campaign, I’m donating 100% of all proceeds from my new book, Maximum Momentum: How to get it, How to keep it, to the Food Bank for NYC from now until the end of April.

Join us in our new campaign, Momentum4Kids, to raise money and awareness for the ~1.1 million students that are drastically impacted by the public schools closing.