Take some time today for you, it’s the new National Day of Introspection

Immediacy has soared in momentum and is a prevailing consumer trend. Its latest victim? New Year’s Resolutions. Why wait for one magic day when we are programmed to start everything now?

The Net-Net:

Old school New Year’s resolutions may be a thing of the past. Too big, too lofty, too hard to accomplish. New Year’s Day should still be a profound personal moment - it just looks a little different.

We are declaring January 1st as a Day of Introspection. We’re taking stock of just about everything.

What does it mean to take stock? To think carefully, be honest about your personal “data,” capture and be proud of the progress made and take accountability for what to do next.  

Momentum for resolutions is down. Here are some introspection “stocks” that have momentum:





Find out more about these further down…

⬇️ What’s Down: Waiting until New Years to be proactive on changing your life.

When losing ten pounds can be aided by a miracle injection, meeting a new partner is a swipe away, and staying hydrated is as easy as a GoPuff order, do we really have to wait for New Year’s Day to make a change? Not really. More than half of consumers say the concept of New Year’s resolutions is outdated.

It’s no surprise that our MFactor For “Resolutions” shows resolutions actually losing momentum.

⬆️ What’s Up: Using New Years as a Day of Introspection to take stock of our lives.

This year, the traditional day for change is being repurposed to a day of Introspection. We’re taking stock of everything we engage in.

Think Spotify Wrapped, but for your life. (Pro Tip: Spotify Wrapped gives users the data and insight to reflect upon their top listening moments of the year).

Consumers say resolutions are OUT because they tend to be too unachievable. Instead the booming “self wellness” community on TikTok are into taking stocks.

Here are some other “Stocks” we are seeing consumers take this year:

SPIRITUALITY STOCK | (VELOCITY 64): Instead of going into the New Year with “a checklist” of goals, people are taking advantage of the unpredictability of the universe. While some are making lists of wishes and participating in nightly ceremonies, others are simply acknowledging what a fresh spiritual start can do for the body and the soul. Starting the year from a more centered, zen and more spiritual place will lead to a new kind of balance. It’s no coincidence that the first day of the new year is a Monday…


TOXICITY STOCK | (VELOCITY 28): Taking stock of the toxic is important to know what may be hindering your progress. Want better habits? Well, James Clear thinks the starting point to a better life routine begins at who your friends are; “When you choose your friends today, you are choosing your habits tomorrow” says Clear. Knowing the way people affect us is imperative to ensure we are maintaining a positive aura.

FINANCIAL STOCK | (VELOCITY 27): TikTok creators are gaining traction by teaching their followers how to financially plan, breaking down the barrier of a field that can be quite daunting. The key to success? Small changes to spending habits vs. big sweeping overhauls to have a greater chance for success. The trick? Articulate the purpose behind the changes and know the why – integrating an element of intention to motivate them to stay on track.


Hot tip: check out Accrue - the latest company disrupting the payments space by making it easier for consumers to save for their latest desires. The opposite of Buy Now Pay Later.

CURIOSITY STOCK | (VELOCITY 27): Taking stock of wellness can be done by a curiosity check. Curiosity keeps us young and open to new experiences. It can make us smarter, happier, and even less biased. By being more curious, you can derive more pleasure in life. But, in a world that can feel more and more jaded by the day, fostering this lightness and curiosity can be challenging.

Australian Executive Coach Gordan Jenkins believes that traditional resolutions stifle curiosity. Instead of sticking to a rigid plan for change, he pushes people to be more open, finding deeper meaning in life by embracing the unknown.

➡️ What’s Next:


Happy New Year’s Day. What are you taking stock of this year?

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